Equipping minds and nurturing hearts to impact the world for Christ since 1998.
Family Night/Orientation:
We miss each other over the summer so coming together on the school parking lot for dinner, meeting new families, and introductions of the staff followed by visits to the classrooms to drop off supplies usually lasts later than we expect. (The meal is catered.)
Grandparents’ Day:
We can’t think of a better way to celebrate our grandparents than with donuts and coffee, games and songs, crafts and just time together. They only thing we wondered after starting this annual tradition in the fall of 2019 is why we had never done it before.
End of Year Celebration:
Nothings starts summer better than a big family picnic. We like to celebrate the end of the school year with a picnic out in the country where there is plenty of room for games, s’mores and lots of conversation and good old fashioned. (The meal is catered.)