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Dr. Sandra Dop


Dr. Dop and her husband Dennis are Indianola natives; however, his military career moved them around the country and three times to Germany. Dr. Dop’s experience as an educator spans fifty years and includes teaching at all levels from pre-school to college as well as K-12 principal, curriculum director, and superintendent in several states and for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools.


She retired in 2016 from the Iowa Department of Education where she led the Iowa CBE Collaborative. In that capacity she worked with the state legislature, Area Education Agencies, local school districts, and colleges and universities to investigate and promote the innovation necessary to embed 21st century skills into the experiences and opportunities for all Iowa students and develop a framework for transformation to a competency-based system. She left retirement to join VCA in August 2017.

Dr. Dop was raised in church but discovered the joy of a personal relationship with Christ during her senior year of high school.  After walking away in college, the Dops were hounded by a friend to attend his church. When she came face to face with the choice to follow Jesus again, she never turned back saying, "When you walk in the light then experience the darkness again, that Light is too real to ever walk away from again. No matter where I am or what happens, I don't want to be there without Jesus."

Wes Rodgers

Vice President

Wes and his wife Brynn reside south of Indianola with their three children Kayla, Lane, and Blake, all three children attend VCA since the age of 3. Wes has a bachelor’s degree in Ag Business from Iowa State and currently works at Peoples Bank in Indianola as a loan officer. Salvation in Jesus Christ and having that personal relationship with Him has helped shaped his life as well as his biblical understanding in his daily walk.   He says, "A biblical Christ centered foundation was very important to me when choosing Victory Christian Academy. I believe with that foundation these children will be armored for the future." Wes and Brynn are members of New Heights Church in Indianola.

Mindie Dumas


Mindie and her husband Curtis live in rural Indianola and have two children Alex and Kyla, who attend VCA. Mindie said, “When deciding what school our children should attend there was no doubt, we knew we wanted them to go to VCA. Having a good education with the biblical principles was important to our family. The one-on-one time that each child receives is a bonus.”

Mindie was raised in Des Moines and moved to Indianola as a freshmen and graduated from Indianola High School. She works as an analytic consultant in the IT area. She has studied at DMACC and Simpson College.

Jody Ross


Jody Ross and her husband Lennie live just east of Indianola.  They have had 4 children attend Victory, either part time or fulltime over the past 13 years.  Jody homeschooled their children from 2008 until 2018, when she took a fulltime position at the Indianola Public Library.  It was at this point they decided to enroll their 3 youngest in Victory. 

The VCA has given us peace to send my children back into a regular school environment.  I know they are learning the Truth of God’s Word as well as learning to live it out through the example the teachers and staff are to them each day.  My children love their teachers and they know teachers love them!

Wes Blanchard


Hi, I’m Wes Blanchard and my wife Lynn and I had our children enrolled at
Victory Christian Academy between 2010 and 2019. Our youngest is now a Indianola High School.

We turned to VCA when Adam, our oldest, was heading into the 6th grade. It seemed the overwhelming number of students he would be a part of might very well allow him to get lost in the shuffle. So we LOVE the smaller class size and teacher to student ratio that VCA has.


We immediately saw a distinct difference in the expectations for Anna, our youngest, then in pre-school, compared to what our middle child, Daniel had experienced. Not only were the curriculum and expectations much higher (and still easily meet by the class), the benefit of learning Bible verses and core Christian principles creates a priceless foundation for our children. I certainly regret not considering VCA for our children sooner in their educational process.


The children learned about God’s word and world from teachers and staff that care and pray over them daily. It is heart-warming to hear your child say bedtime prayers for concerns they have heard from their fellow classmates.


I was previously on the school board (July 2012-June 2017) and appreciate the balance between ministry, education and business that the school board walks alongside the teachers and administration.

James Gray


James and his wife Melissa have one child.  Luke started at Victory in the 5-day pre-kindergarten.  James has been a lifelong resident of Indianola, graduating from Indianola High School and then the University of Northern Iowa. James currently works as technical project manager for a large multinational logistics company.  Having accepted Christ as his savior in kindergarten, James understands that getting a biblical foundation early in life is critical and infinitely valuable as it impacts life eternally.

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